Learn, Earn, Give

Learn, Earn, Give

In a recent episode of TWIST, my favourite entrepreneurship podcast, Tristan Walker mentioned the three-third rule: 1/3 learning, 1/3 earning, 1/3 giving. He added that a common mistake is trying to give before having earned enough. A great echo to Muster Suster's question about whether it was time for one to earn or learn

Every hustler should embrace this rule and make it a way of life, a recipe to "win in the game". Indeed, earn and give are not just about money, but about substance. Speed has become the norm and we don't take time to pause today. We should get back to slow process: slow money, slow food, slow love. Etc.

So in everything we do, let's learn, earn, then give. Let's pause and enjoy the ride, it will probably make things more delightful at the end. Tristan Walker will say it much better than me, in a video that is bit long but will energise you just enough for a good week start.

Enjoy, and have a nice week ahead. 

Thank you for your wishes, and have a fruitful Lent!

Thank you for your wishes, and have a fruitful Lent!

My 2015 personal resolutions

My 2015 personal resolutions