Understanding the Cameroonian User

Understanding the Cameroonian User

I recently attended the Silicon Mountain Conference in Buea to give a talk as part of the Design Studio. My topic was "Understanding the Cameroonian User". It was a brief talk presenting a couple of behaviours we have observed from our users at Kerawa, and how to leverage them.

Besides my own talk, a couple of points caught my attention:

  • Buea has everything I love in a tech scene. It breathes openness and a strong willingness to share knowledge with each other. It lives by and for innovation and problem-solving.
  • Bermond Yange, a fellow Designer, opened the conference. Buea is a hardcore tech scene, so it is a powerful message they are sending by putting design first. At least, to me.
  • FeePerfect Founder Fritz Ekwoge presented Cameroon's unfair competitive advantage. I particularly enjoyed how he insisted building Glocal companies from here.

I was humbled by the opportunity to present our work to a crowd of (mostly) developers. I wanted to show them how good UX can help them make a difference in their products in the Global Digital race. At the end of the day, aren't we all trying to build global tech champions from Cameroon? That's our goal at Kerawa, and we are glad to see more (African) startups pursuing the same goal.

The SMCONF team did not release the video of the talk, unfortunately. Yet, I hope the presentation will be useful to you. Here it is.

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Video Interview: Building Global Tech Companies in Cameroon

Video Interview: Building Global Tech Companies in Cameroon